
Theme of macbeth
Theme of macbeth

theme of macbeth theme of macbeth

Look like the innocent flower/But be the serpent under’t” “cabined, cribbed, confined”: tricolon of these words suggests a feeling of claustrophobia and restriction, as if Macbeth has no where to hide and is now vulnerable, emphasised by the alliteration.“whole”: suggests he was the complete soldier, and the associations with “marble” and “rock” are strong, unbreakable, natural substances-all the things Macbeth used to be.“Whole as the marble, founded as the rock…but now I am cabined, cribbed, confined” She tells Duncan she and Macbeth are “your servants ever” even though they are plotting is murder- Juxtaposition: Lady Macbeth is plotting the murder of Duncan with welcoming him into their castle. – initially loyal to Duncan as his “Kinsman and subject”- makes his betrayal more shocking This leads to his death and loss of self worth- power in the form of titles can be given or taken away depending on a person’s loyalty – Duncan has the old Thane of Cawdor executed for betraying him and rewards Macbeth’s loyalty by giving him the title – Macbeth betrays his own sense of right and wrong. – loyal to his own sense of honour- says he will keep his “allegiance clear”- won’t let ambition or the witches prophecies affect himīetrayal always comes with a punishment. – Thanes are loyal to Duncan because he’s been a “great king”- Macbeth gives Duncan “service and loyalty” by fighting for him

theme of macbeth

He chooses to go to England and ask Malcolm to defend his country instead of protecting his family- He’d rather leave Scotland the see it ruled by a bad king

Theme of macbeth